Hi! My name is Mia Kaehler, and I will be a senior this year at Zionsville. This year I have had the privilege of doing my senior pictures with JJ Kaplan. We ended up doing three shoots in total: one studio, one pool, and one outdoor shoot. The studio shoot was a lot of fun because JJ had a lot of great ideas for outfits and poses and she made it be a fun experience instead of being stressful. We also did a session in JJ’s pool. This was great because I used to be a swimmer and lifeguard. It also gave me something that was really different from the pictures my friends were getting which I thought was really cool because I always try to be unique! The outdoor shoot was awesome because the weather was so nice and we went to a really cool location. JJ was able to capture all of the different parts of my personality and the pictures really showed who I was. All in all I had a great experience with JJ that I will never forget!

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